The Unstoppable Stylist's 
Guide to Build your Online Beauty Business


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In this free guide, you'll discover...

Your "WHY"

You started your business for a reason, so let's find out exactly why! 
Finding what drives you in your business will help you stay on your path
and keep moving forward in your business when things get tough. 

Who you are and who you serve

You need to know who you are and who you want to serve to be able to 
communicate with the people you want to serve!

The power of your tribe

You might be alone on your entrepreneurial journey or be part of an awesome team. 
The most important part is to find a group of people who are there to 
support your and cheer you on in your journey!

Reminding myself of the reason I started my business has helped me through lockdowns and hard times.

I love providing services for my clients and offering them solutions to their hair problems with products. Knowing who I am and who I want to serve has helped me keep my business profitable through lockdowns and slow times.

I'm a 6-figure independent hairstylist, aesthetician, salon/spa/motel owner, educator and coach. I am obsessed with teaching other beauty entrepreneurs how to grow independent wealth and find true happiness in their business and life through strategic methodology, powerful messaging and an unstoppable mindset. I hope you enjoy this guide to selling retail that resonates with you and your clients!

When you complete this guide, you'll feel clear on...

How to dig deeper into your mindset to find what is stopping you from feeling confident asking for a sale, giving your clients solutions to their beauty needs, and selling retail in a way that resonates with your customers and builds their trust in your expertise!
How to find your own way to frame the selling of products you use on your clients for every service! Making selling feel like a service to your clients, by asking what they need, staying up to date on the benefits of the products you sell and guiding your clients on what products to use and how to use them.
How much you need to in retail sales to style the life of your dreams! We dive into what you're making in sales and services, what you want your life to look like, and what you need to do to get there. 

You're Only One Step Away 

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