The Unstoppable Stylist's Dream Customer 
Discovery Workbook


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In this free guide, you'll discover...

Who are your dream clients?

You want to foster relationships with clients you will LOVE working with!
The people who will benefit most from what you have to offer and who 
will be there to help you grow your business.

What do your dream clients need?

You'll get to know your dream clients to be familiar with what your clients want from you and 
what they really need. This will help you provide the best services to them so you can grow your 
relationship and retain a client base that is happy to pay for your services. 

What can you offer your dream clients?

Your dream customer wants and needs your what you have to offer. You can offer your clients 
your expert advice, services and products that will leave them happy and keep them 
coming back again and again!

Being clear on who my dream clients are has helped me build and grow my business.

I love providing services for my clients, selling products and meeting my clients needs so they are happy to come back to my salon and keep it profitable through lockdowns and slow times.

I'm a 6-figure independent hairstylist, aesthetician, salon/spa/motel owner, educator and coach. I am obsessed with teaching other beauty entrepreneurs how to grow independent wealth and find true happiness in their business and life through strategic methodology, powerful messaging and an unstoppable mindset. I hope you enjoy this guide to selling retail that resonates with you and your clients!

When you complete this guide, you'll feel clear on...

Who exactly is your dream client? You'll get down to specifics so you don't have to wonder who you're talking to when you are marketing your business on social media, on your website or through your email list!
What your clients desires and goals are so you can meet (or surpass) their expectations! You'll become the go to for their beauty needs, and they'll refer their friends too. 
What you should include in your messaging to really speak to your dream customer so they come to know, like and trust you as the expert you are!

You're Only One Step Away 

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